November 2021 my body was hijacked…

I was in Las Vegas, Nevada having a dinner for a friends birthday when my nervous system was hijacked by what I would learn later from reactivated Lyme disease.

My heart and cardiovascular system are highly affected by this activation of the pathogens that I wasn’t aware were hidden in my body. My blood pressure spiked to 200/100. My heart rate was resting at 120 to 140. My body was full of static electricity and I was shocking everything.

I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin because how scared I was. It was the same impending sense of doom that I felt once before with my neurological symptoms in 2009 - 2010.

A week before my first episode I was exposed to toxic mold when the heat was turned on at a cottage for the first time of the season. I’m knowingly sensitive to mold and I felt my body starting to lose control. At that point I worked on some binding and some drainage and I felt much better for a full month until the episode in Las Vegas.

I normally stay on the outskirts of Vegas when I’m there but I was staying in the Cosmopolitan Hotel and at that time it was known to be extreme amounts of EMF on the Las Vegas strip. I later learned that the EMF called 5G is actually 5G Plus in Las Vegas and EMF in general can cause bio toxins in your body to be 600 times higher than if you were not exposed.

After this time I saw a cardiologist in Las Vegas and they placed a heart rate monitor on me, however it was wireless and connected to a phone which sent even more electricity through my body that was already mineral imbalanced and responding poorly EMF. I couldn’t think straight at that time to turn down that therapy because I was very scared that I might die so I was willing to do whatever it took.

The challenging part was trying to get home, which required me to get on a plane, airplanes are known to have high EMF exposure. Cellcore’s Carboxy (binder) was my crutch, relieving some symptoms for moments at a time. To prepare for my dreaded flight home, I took doses of carboxy, once an hour on my 5+ hour flight home to Toronto.

Once I landed, I received some treatment to help clear the pressure around my heart, but I continued to wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night with pain down my chest, into my arms and my hands would go numb. I almost fainted which at those times I proceeded to go to emergency room. This happened to me multiple times over the next few weeks when I did not know what was going on.

Lucky for me I know some smart people and I’m in this field so I proceeded to reach out to everyone that I trusted and did some testing on myself as no one would take my situation seriously, even though I had elevated neutrophils indicating a bacterial affection and high white blood cells in general.

I completed my Lyme Vibrant labs test and waited for results impatiently as my heart was getting worse. I consulted with a chiropractor that practices muscle testing and they suggested that it was an infection around my heart namely Lyme and that I should take Doxycycline. Natural antibiotics were not working and within hours after receiving the Doxy my heart pain subsided substantially, however the Lyme was able to get into my other organs like my Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder affecting my eyes as well as my pelvic region and I didn’t know than the long road I had a ahead of me in order to fully heal.

I learned a lot through this journey on the importance of moving lymphatics, oxygenation to tissue, binding toxins, new therapies I hadn’t learned about like neural therapy immunotherapy like LDA and LDI’s. I learned about a whole new field called Bio Regulatory medicine from Dr. Nick Baboulas. I was re-introduced to the importance of Frequency Medicine and Homeopathics in order to heal. Throughout my journey I had a crash course on dealing with the day-to-day symptoms of acute Lyme or even chronic Lyme or really any chronic type of issues that came up.

I believe I had to deal with this terrible terrible infection and immune dysfunction to learn how to serve you all better I believe I will be better than ever and healthier and more vibrant than ever after this experience and clearing these pathogens from my body.

I have a new found confidence to help you help yourself.